Saturday, March 24, 2007


These are the articles that i have visited in the blogs of my classmates.

Almex- Letter to classmates
Anna Lou- Life sucks
Archie- 2nd Last blog
Christina- Cynthia
Crisanta- Team Unity
Ella- So what
Fridiane- Freedom of expression
Gean- Philosophy
Jennifer- The hype of Koreanovelas
Joan Spring- What is freedom anyway
Joyce- The most valuable gift on Christmas
Kathlyn- Yes, she's a mom and will always be
Kayann- Satnd-up reporting
Lawdenmarc- Sweet and sour valentines
Mariane- Adverts I never knew existed
Marivic- Senior colloquium
Melford- Untitled
Michael- First day of work
Michelle Jane- How to conduct an interview
Renddy- VJ Hunt 2007 (SAMASKOM and ABMC3 productions)
Rona- I apu ku
RV- Literature is not my passion
Vanessa- My sis


I really learned a lot of things for all the colloquia that we have had during this semester.

I was tasked then for the education. For that, I learned how to deal with people in inviting them to serve as speakers or moderators for us. I learned how to talk to them in a nice way in order for them to be encouraged and approve our invitation. I also learned how to deal with my group mates and understand our differences.
I learned different information from different fields during this semester. Imagine, we are only Mass Communication student but we are hearing different topics from our very intellectual speakers.

I enjoyed most the topic about entertainment wherein I wrote it as the funniest colloquium in my blog.

Well, I would suggest that the colloquium could have been better if there is a nicer place where the topic will be discussed. Also, the place would also give the speaker a more encouraging inspiration for him to give his best. The colloquium could have been more interesting if there were like games aside from serious talk that were done.

But still, everything became ok.


The last colloquium talked about the relationship of media in politics. The invited speaker for this topic was the Councilor Jay Sangil who shared his experiences as a journalist. He did not say much about his experiences as a politician.

For business, we have invited an American who has stayed in the Philippines for a longer period just to lead his business in the Philippines.

For military, we have invited some policemen who have shared their experiences in fighting against crime in this country. They have also shared us some of their dangerous experiences.
I really enjoyed all the colloquia that we have had.


I think, the last colloquium which talked about entertainment, fashion, business and sports is the funniest among the colloquia I have attended.

The colloquium became a funny one because the speakers were really entertaining. The hosts are also funny because they are making some jokes.

For entertainment, the speaker shared the happy experiences in his life. The speaker in fashion shared her tips and suggestions on how to become a real fashion person and not a victim. The speaker in business shared their secrets on how they became very successful in their chosen career. The speaker in sports shared to us the innovation in Tai-chi, a Chinese ritual by executing some of its steps.


I think being a Medical Technologist is really a hard task. It is not just a plaything but something that is really important and really crucial in the hospitals. Without them, the hospitals will not be working hard and efficient.

Last colloquium, the organizers have invited a special guest a Medical Technologist who is working at the Angeles University Foundation- Medical Center. I learned that this profession is really a very important one because they are dealing with the common and serious problems in the hospitals.


I really learned a lot during the colloquium about Philosophy, Literature and Education. I learned from Philosophy that you must really have a guiding principle in your life so that you could be having a right path in the life you take. This philosophy will tell you if your actions are right and this will also guide you to the road you take.

In Literature, the speaker was really inspired to his life in writing poems. I admire him because he is very sincere to his passion. He really is very dedicated in writing great poems which are also showing his knowledge in grammar and literature. I wish I also could be like him in writing. He even said that his favorite topic is about friendship.

The last speaker talked about education. She said that she is not having a hard time in being an educator and a mother. She even said that she did not have a hard time in being a mother for her children and an educator to her children as well. This just tells us that she knows how to become professional and a loving mother.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


For our first colloquium, we have invited editors in chief from the different colleges in Angeles University Foundation and the staffers from the Pioneer with their adviser.

What really have stricken me is that when one of the guests said that campus journalism in AUF is dead. What thing have probably influenced that editor to say that?

Well anyway, I must say that before I did not realize that campus journalism in AUF is dead. First, I was not involved on these matters before. Second, I am not really interested in knowing these things. But now, I was like inspired to make some actions for campus journalism in AUF. Like, I want to be a part in changing the state of campus journalism nowadays.

As a Mass Communication student, I have the responsibility to take part in making campus journalism in AUF a nicer and a better one.

But before I can do that, I must study hard first with my Journalism subjects so that I will know these things really.

Monday, February 26, 2007


Ii must say that the Proclamation Rally that we have attended last Tuesday was indeed a learning experience for all of us Mass Communication student.

I must be admitting it that the Proclamation Rally is not that comfortable for us. First, it is very hot that we were all in need to walk under the heat of the sun because the bus did not able to pass the barricades. Secondly, before we were able to pass thevery narrow gate, we were first experienced other people who are pushing us left and right just for them to get their meals. Last, because we were not able to handle our interviews and stand-up reporting since there were a lot of people inside the convention center.

But, i would like o say that because of that event we were able to realize that in our field, it is a part and parcel that we should be experiencing taking risks for us to get the freshest news in the town.

I must also say that my classmates have enjoyed what we have done there because it is a mixed of our emotions. We are a bit tired but we were able to feel at least for a very short period of time, the fun and excitement plus the thrill of being media people.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

V.J Hunt 2007 with ABMC 3 : For the big star...

Feburary05, 2007 was our V.J Hunt, which is biggest event for mass communication.. It is biggest event for us because all of mass communication students paid attention for this activity. And because all of mass communication students pay attention to this one event, we can’t ask other people’ opinion and so it is very difficult because we have to think about everything from stage, lights and so on.

Making stage and the light thing were so difficult for us because we have to make it different from previous years. And we also tried to make fog thing to cover stage. Anyway, we finally made good one and everyone was telling us that we made it well. I’m very thankful to my friends who really put their effort to make stage.

When V.J Hunt has started, we felt so happy because it seemed it was best among V.J shows we had. And good thing is teachers told us that it was best ever compare to previous years.
And when V.J Hunt has finished, we felt comfortable, we were satisfied and we were so happy that we made V.J show as best. However, one thing I regret now is if we had enough time to make V.J show, we were able to make it better.

It's hard to choose between the class and university activity.

I can’t see the point why I was marked absent because of attending a university activity, which was intended to promote the school or our course, to make it more specific.

Next year, I don’t think I would be attending that activity still. If I would just be marked absent because of showing my concern for the school, I would better become passive to the call of the class.

The good attitude of student.

I would like to commend the Administrative Staff of this school in showing its great effort in inculcating values among its students.

The latest memorandum passed last month which is very much touching the attitude of students inside the classroom deserves applause. Nowadays, we, the students take for granted the teacher in front of us as we use our mobile phones, and secretly text our mates.

With this memorandum passed, students are now avoiding the irritating act of secretly texting while the poor teacher tries her best to discuss her subject matter.

For what do we live now?

I can’t see the rationale why we need to spend much of our time and money in doing an activity project, which I think is far related to the real subject matter.

I can’t see the point why do we need to submit a project when in fact we were not even taught about the basics of the task.

Likewise, where is quality education when we do not even get the essentials of the lessons being taught?

Teacher's and student's....

I do not get the logic why we, the students, should always be adjusting to the demands of some teachers, when in fact; some teachers could not even understand our little concerns.

With all due respect, I highly salute to the teaching profession. In fact, I myself consider this profession as the noblest among all. With this, I have respected for how many years the authority given to teachers. But this does not mean that I will always follow with their nonsense demands. As a student, I was never trained of this function- being forced by somebody else.

I believe, mutual respect and understanding ought to exist in teacher-students relationship. A teacher would not be effective if what she likes shall always be followed. Likewise, though this will sound irrelevant to the previous sentence, a teacher is a total failure if she has no firmness on what she dictates.

To those who possess the criteria I have mentioned, scale your efficacy as a teacher.

Sunday, February 4, 2007


We are all facing different challenges in our lives. We are sometimes feeling that we should already give up because we think that what we are experiencing are too much. But in the end, we all realize that these challenges are just a test to our lives. Tests given by God for us to become better and stronger persons.

Like me, my saty here in the Philippines have given me many challenges. But I only consider them as the challenges that I need to have in order for me to learn.

First, I left my whole family in Korea to have my education here. Second, I have a number of Korean friends whom I have left for this. Last, I am in need to handle different adjustments in terms of culture and traditions here in the Philippines.

But still, I feel well because I know that these are only tests and challenges to me.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Sleep Words
Listen to the sleep words
Betraying hidden pain
Behind a dam of silence
Where secrets have been lain.
Truth wakens in the darkness,

Wielding its sword alone,
To slay the mighty dragon
Whose heart is made of stone.
The floodgates then fall open,

Gush to the stygian sea,
And stream into the nightmares
Of fears we try to flee.
Shhh, my dearest one!

Please do not weep
For the pain you hear
Within my words of sleep.

In our lives, there would surely always be questions that are in need to be answered. But sometimes, we fail to answer these questions because we are not sure of the answers we are looking for. The worse thing is that we even sometimes try our very best to find the answers, but still, we fail to find the answers. The reason why we sometimes ask ourselves, what are these things happening to us.

Well, that is what we call the mysteries of our lives.

Yes, each of us would surely find different problem encounters in our lives, but surely, will not get any answer on our questions.

If you really can't find the answers to the many mysteries of your life, then rest a while. Forget about looking and searching for those answers first. Time will decide if it is already the right time to know the secrets of these mysteries.

Life is full of mystery. Tomorrow, you'll surely will not know if what is waiting for you. Well, just be prepared enough and be prepared as well in facing the more and the coming still, mysteries of your life.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


I cannot see any difference when it comes to news that are written in online newspapers, like the New York Times online and to the news that are written in the newspapers, like the tabloids and the broadsheets.

The facts that you can see in the online newspapers are also in the newspapers. What news you see on newspapers is what you will see also in the online newspapers. The only difference is that it is better to read using the internet than to read using the newspaper. Because, on my case, when I hold a newspaper, I easily feel the roughness of the paper, which gives me a boring and a not so good impression about it.

In terms of the pictures, it is better to see pictures with news articles written on online newspapers because the resolution of the monitor will give a different color on the picture, compared to the pictures on newspapers, because on my case, I don’t like seeing pictures on newspapers because they look like dirty and nasty.

But, I am not saying that people should be using the online newspapers and not the newspapers. I am just telling the things you could see online and on newspapers.

Lastly, I would say it is always depending on the readers, if what kind of material will they prefer on reading. If they got what they need, then that is the basis.

Sunday, January 14, 2007


I am wondering about the Philippine Politics.

Is it because I am a Korean and this is really not the Politics that I have grown up or is there really something wrong and odd about the Philippine politics?

What I observed here is that because Mike Arroyo, a husband to Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, he is always being criticized and accused of many things. Well, honestly speaking, I do not know if these things are true, but what I know is, there are a lot of criticisms that are being thrown to him.

First, they said that he is a corrupt. They said that he is using the money of the Filipino people in order to gain his desires. They said that he is using his authority as the husband of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo so that it would be easy for him to earn for his money. If we will analyze it, whoever is in the position of the president is always being accused for corruption. But now, even the husband of the President is also being criticized. What’s wrong with this politics?

In Korea, we are really very sensitive when it comes to the words that we speak and the actions that we do. We always take into consideration that all things are for real and all things that we do have accurate basis. But, I think, based on my experiences with some Filipinos, they must first know deeply the true and real story before they would act and say things.

Second, they said that Mike Arroyo is having an illicit relationship with other woman. Is this still very nice to hear? Isn’t people are becoming more personal in affecting the personal life of the husband of the President?

If I were mike Arroyo I would surely feel dishonor and disgrace. I would be feeling all the shames in this world.

Last, people must always think if they really have enough and accurate basis before they do such things, like this, accusing the husband of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

Welcome to my new blog

Hi! I have my own and new blog today because i lost my old blog. Please continue checking my account and I hope you will enjoy visiting it and learning from it as well.

Sincerely yours,

Joowon Yoon